Howdy folks... Been a little while since I've posted here, for sure. This one will be more like an update of sorts, compared to my past articles.
I actually have been keeping fairly busy for the most part. In regards to music stuff, I've been working on recording a batch of songs that I've written. Some are old songs in need of updating and improving. Some are more recent, and... I'm still getting down to the business of getting them recorded.
I've always felt various creative struggles in getting my own music together, to the point that I tend not to produce much, compared to others I know and hear about. As a result, my own collection of songs is pretty darn small. I'm definitely not a prolific writer! I find myself going back and forth on how I feel about this. Some days I lament my low output of music, other days I simply accept it for what it is, and be happy that I produce anything at all. It is particularly difficult squeezing in time to work on music when you have a 9 to 5 to go to every day. However, I try not to complain too much because I know I'm only one of millions that are in the same boat. I just wish someone would fill me in on the secret to getting over that hump. That is, if there *is* one...
Presently I'm in the tracking (recording) and editing stages, and right now it feels like I'm gonna be stuck there forever! That said, things are actually moving along, and progress is being made. Just not as quickly as I'd like, but that's my impatient side talking. These days I squeeze in 2-3 hours' work in the evenings when time, energy and motivation permit, and as much as possible on weekends. With that schedule in place, I hope to have *something* ready for people to hear later this summer. Let's see how I do! If inspiration strikes, I may post some thoughts on the recording process as it moves along.
In more tech related news, I'm curious to see what gets announced at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC). Steve Jobs will make the keynote presentation on Monday June 6th. Confirmed for discussion is Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5, and something called "iCloud", which it's safe to say that it will be some sort of internet-based storage service. Apple usually will put up a webcast of the yearly keynote, so I'm sure Apple geeks (such as myself) are waiting for Monday's keynote with great interest, to say the least. Also waiting, no doubt, are the Apple-haters, ready and all too willing to get their Apple-hate on!
Which reminds me of my very first blog post... I've had all the necessary parts to convert my old iPod to flash-based storage for a while now, but I just haven't had much time to sit down and get to work on it. But soon, and that will be another post for y'all to check out in the upcoming weeks. Until next time...
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