Sunday, January 22, 2012


Happy 2012 to everyone... It sure has been a while since I've posted last, but I certainly have something of interest to share today...

After many months of ups & downs, technical issues, setbacks, do-overs and everything else you can think of, I finally have some music to share with you. I have joined Soundcloud to post my music online. There are currently 3 tracks posted, and more in the works. For those who have been waiting - thanks for your patience. Hope you enjoy...

Demos - 2012 by harvard_exp


  1. Thoughtful, deep lyrics. I especially like "Not Today." How often do we each fight those temptations and utter victoriously, "Not today"?

  2. My own personal answer to that question is, "not often enough". But some days, I get lucky... ;-)

    Thanks for listening, much appreciated.
