Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3 Songs, 3 DAW's, Part 3 (The Finale) - Reason 6.5

First post of 2014! I'm back once again with another new track, which will conclude my "3S3D" series of posts. So as usual, I will start off with a link to the track, before I get all into it...

This track was created using Propellerhead's Reason DAW, starting way back in the summer of 2012. As I mentioned in the last post, my original plan was to do the Reason track as Part 2 of the series. Due to creative issues with this track, I decided to put it on the shelf, and skip ahead to work on another track with my old standby, Pro Tools.

The song was originally written back in 1999, making several attempts over the years to record a proper version. The basic structure hasn't changed too much from how I originally wrote it, but it's certainly gone through some editing and revisions this time around. Writing songs like this one back in my earlier days, I was much more inexperienced, and struggled with what I know now as "song arrangement". I may have known what the chords were, but there's probably several different ways to play those chords... Chord progressions, tempo, key signatures, rhythms, they can each have a million different variations, and a million combinations of those variations! It can be hard to make a choice sometimes, but the bottom line is that eventually you have to eliminate all those options, and settle on something. This recording is the end result of me settling on something, haha...

The track was arranged around a single static drum loop, similar to how sample-based tracks were done back in the late 80's to early 90's. I appropriately and unashamedly jacked the loop from a friend's old song demo cassette tape from 1997 or so. I used a sampler inside Reason to re-arrange the beat to suit my song. Getting the track together was a slow process for sure, but I stuck with it and eventually got it done. Not perfect by any means, but I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out.

Until next time...

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